Hayes Leung, MESc, DD
Hayes attended George Brown College and graduated at the top of his class which was later recognized with the “A.J. (Jim) McGuire Memorial Award” presented by the Denturist Association of Ontario.
Hayes is a strong believer in continuing his studies and practice so he can constantly and consistently provide successful treatments for his patients. He believes in providing quality dentures so they can improve the quality of life for the wearer. Hayes is officially the first denturist in Ontario to obtain both certifications to practice Suction Effective Mandibular Complete Denture (SEMCD) and CQR Denture techniques which help provide a stronger retentive and stable denture than a regular denture. These techniques helped him provide dentures that stay in the mouth without the use of denture glue or dental implants whilst allowing the wearer to have a biofunctional bite.
As an associate of Markham Dental, he continues providing his excellent services and craftsmanship in collaboration with the great dental professionals so that the wearers of his dentures have improved quality of life.
Appointment Requests
Meet Hayes Leung, MESc, DD at these locations: