Effortless Patient Generation with Connect the Doc for Pediatric Dentistry Practices
Tailored for pediatric dentists, Connect the Doc automated solution seamlessly attracts young patients, liberating you from marketing complexities.

Trusted by over 1,000 providers
Our Process for Growing
Pediatric Dentists

Establish Reputation
Leverage the power of our automations to capitalize on positive reviews and encourage more referrals.

Increase Visibility
Lean into our years of expertise to market your practice to show up in front of patients actively searching for you.

Engage with Intent
Consolidate your marketing into one intuitive platform to manage, engage and convert more leads into patients.
Connect the Doc brings you more patients without changing your process.
Connect the Doc directly integrates with hundreds of management softwares to provide your team a seamless integration to begin attracting more patients.

Intuitive Features
Powerful Capabilities
Get authentic patient reviews on top review sites with zero patient effort.
Leverage positive experiences to turn your patients into ambassadors.
Pay Per Click
Show up when and where it counts without overspending.
Bring your practice to the top of search results when patients search.
Website Design
Beautiful, functional websites help convince patients to go with you.
Website Development
Our powerful widgets drive more conversions from your traffic.
Live Chat
Drive more engagement with visitors and increase conversions.
Close more deals, gain more leads. and visualize relevant metrics.
Connect the Doc
Join thousands of practitioners in automating your marketing today.

Over $5,000,000 and counting in New Patient Production

Consistent Team,
Consistent Results
Connect the Doc is your marketing partner from inception to exit of your dental practice.
Have the peace of mind to know that our dedicated team of experts are here to serveyour practice every step of the way.

Ready to Grow Together?
Connect the Doc is your growth partner ready to take on your entire marketing as an extension of your team.